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All videos on 101 Days of Pleasure!

Day 13- Zazel- Art or Porn?

I decided to break open the erotica.  I was really intriqued by this film called Zazel, it won a bunch of awards and the cover looked very interesting.  The Relatives were out taking a walk and I had just finished up a meeting, so I had a small window of time to do my session.  I felt very “naughty” as I locked the door and closed the blinds to my office.  I popped the video into my computer and wondered if this is what guys feel like when they look at porn on the internet.  The film started and I thought about the little bit of porn I had seen.  I only recently watched some for casting my educational film on Oral Sex.  This was my first deliberate look at pornography for a self pleasure session.  There is something about porn that just doesn’t sit right with me.  I don’t know if its the fake fingernails (how do women self-pleasure with those?) or the lack of arousal that I see in some of the scenes.  I have to say though that this film was very unique, more artistic, the filmakers took time creating this piece.  That I appreciated.  Intellectually it didn’t turn me on, but I think physically it much have done something.  Or maybe it was the idea that at any moment someone could catch me in the act.  At any rate I had a clitoral orgasm in under a few minutes, hopped up quickly and shot my video, just as the relatives were arriving back at our place!

Day 12- Ravishment By WOOD

I Started to wonder if I would actually get my self-pleasure session in today.  We had relatives come in from out of town, a radio show to do, a museum visit (where I saw a very inspirational and sexy short film called Minotaur), and dinner out.  We didn’t get home until 10:00PM, and I still had to get the baby to sleep.  But I made it!

I grabbed some Kombucha and headed down to my office.  I Started with reading a little erotica from My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday.  Just knowing I was reading erotica was a turn on.  I thought back to our Radio Show, where we talked about dark sexual energies and ravishment and I thought I’d like to ravish myself.  When I looked at my table of new toys I picked one that said Ravishment to me.  That was the Nobessence Seduction made out of Black Palm.  This wood is so beautiful that I felt honored by it’s sensual hand made sculpture.  I was ravishing myself with art!  It felt amazing by the way.  I sat in my office chair and gave myself deep penetration with the Seduction, while adding clitoral stimulation.  First I had an ejaculatory Orgasm, then clitoral.  When it was all over it was almost midnight!  Whew! Just made it!

Day 11- The Dentist, Sex Toys and Positions

Early this morning I woke up on the wrong side of the bed (so much for my elevated moods theory!) due to the fact that I was running late for the dentist, where I knew I would be tortured for the next three hours.  Someone suggested that I take a vibrator with me to counter balance the pain with pleasure.  I wasn’t brave enough for that, but I did go there in my mind and felt some arousal combined with the sound of drilling.  All was good until I got the bill for $1700.oo ouch!  That hurt worse than anything.  I went to Yoga class because I was a ball of tension, it helped some, but by the time I got home I was glum and not at all in the mood.  Pain and financial yuck make a combination for low libido.  But when I went down to my office I found a giant box of sex toys and erotica from Eden Fantasys waiting for me!  Yippee!  But before I dove in I decided to go up to my love loft and continue my yoga practice, only this time with clitoral stimulation.  I often here of couples playing with sexual positions, but I’ve never heard of anyone doing solo sex in a variety of twists, so I went for it: Downdog, Forward Bends, Back Bends, Legs Open, Legs Shut, Pigeon, Up Dog, Side Twists, you name it, it tired it.  I noticed that closed leg positions or positions that required some muscular tension seems to be the most arousing for my body.  After all that I went back to my office to film, and to open my giant box of toys!  I laid them all out on my massage table and thought to myself that this 101 Days of Self Pleasure is the best idea I’ve ever had! Here’s a pic…

Day 10- What I’ve Noticed/Tension and Relaxation

It’s a big work day today, feeling tired, but nonethless, I am noticing some benefits to this project.  On is that my perception that I don’t have time for myself is going away completely.  Another benefit is that my mood is better.  When I take care of myself, I feel better and I treat the people around me better.  Orgasms are a great thing!  Today I did my session in my office, which might not have been the best choice being that my mind was wandering and racing.  I played with my clit while exploring tension and relaxation.  I love noticing the pleasure that I built and that causes me to have energetic orgasms…splendid!

Day 9- Grateful for Multiples

Aaaahhh…I’m floating on a cloud!  I am so grateful that I am so orgasmic.  Today I had an orgasm in less than a minute, figured, “Why stop there?”  So I just kept going, and going.  My whole body was trembling and shaking and I was left in a very relaxed, very blissful and in a bit of an altered state.  Really felt amazing riding the waves of excitement and enjoyment.  I’m loving my Tuesday afternoon sessions!

Day 8- U-Spot and Ejaculation

Awesome self love session today!  I filmed right after a self pleasure session in the shower where I experienced multiple ejaculations.  My session began at the gym where I practiced kegels in between weight lifting reps.  From there I fed my body an amazing Kale Smoothie from my favorite little vegan place in the Valley.  Came home to a steam sauna and cold shower.  I alternated between hot and cold water to increase my circulation, which helps increase blood flow to your sexy parts.  Then I tapped my u-spot, did a “come hither” on my g-spot and when I felt the urge to urinate pushed out to experience an ejaculation.  It’s NOT pee!  It really is ejaculatory fluid, at any rate I had multiple ejaculations from this combo of g-spot touch and u-spot pulsing!

Day 7- Not In The MOOD- JUST DO IT!

YAY!  I have had 7 days of self pleasure, numerous orgasms of different kinds and more showers in one week than ever taken in a week since the baby was born.  Today I was just not in the mood.  I was in total mommy mode- diapers, pumping breast milk, laundry, and playing with Legos.  So turning on my sexy self was a bit difficult.  I went up to the love loft and started with a little belly massage, I noticed how quickly I was getting aroused, just with a little touch and little breath.  From there I moved into indirectly stimulating my genitals by massaging just above my pubic bone.  I noticed that my nipples were sore, so I treated myself to a breast massage.  Breast are amazing!  They make milk and that is a super power.  They are also capable of pleasure, lots of pleasure!  So, I massaged them.  I decided to try a vibrating massage wand called the Inspire.  I’ve never been much of a vibrator girl…

Day 6- Kegelgasms

Kegel exercises are so important for everyones sexual wellness and pleasure.  This morning I got up early to do a Pelvic Floor workout with a Bamboo Pleasure Object by Nobessence.  I started with 5 squeezes in and then 5 pushes out, repeating several times and adding an inhale with each squeeze, exhale with each push out.  Then I played with one hard full contraction and one slow push out.  Some arousal started building so I added clitoral stimulation with resistance on the toy by trying to pull it out with my hand, but resisting with my vaginal muscles.  This was great, and I ended up going into orgasm!  It’s the only workout I know where I get to build strength and have an orgasm!

Day 5- Witnessing Masturbation

An Awesome Session during intimacy time with my partner!  In honor of my first week of self-pleasure he witnessed me self-pleasuring.  At first I was really self- conscious, I felt really vulnerable and it was really intimate.  I did an anal massage on myself, I don’t why, but it just struck me as something that I wanted to do in the moment.  When I decided to do some clitoral stimulation I tried being on my back, that position didn’t work for me.  Went to all fours for combined anal stimulation and clitoral stimulation, but that didn’t work either.  I felt way too vulnerable and it wasn’t very comfortable.  So I went to lying on my belly, that worked well.  But then I desired penetration, so I got out the Kegel Sexerciser called the Energie by Candida Royalle.  I had three sensations going on, anal, vaginal and clitoral all at the same time.  It was great.  After a clitoral orgasm I was glowing and my parnter decided to put on a show for me…the details of which are a secret!

Day 4- Tantra Spa

Day 4 started out marvelous, went to an all women’s spa and gym where I recieved a hot stone massage, facial and sauna.  From there I did a workout and had a Kale Smoothie for lunch.  I felt so relaxed I thought to myself that I should just have an entire day of spa.  I haven’t done my Tantra practice since I got pregnant, so it was the perfect opportunity.  After a shower, I crawled up to my love loft, where I set the intention to use pleasure as a guide to inner peace.  The very first Tantra training I ever took was in Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga, where I learned a daily practice based on a formula of Activate the body, Still the Mind, Arouse Sexual Energy, Transmute, and then Play in the heart space.  For those of you unfamiliar with Tantra there is plenty of information out there, my practice has been a spirutal path, as well as something that I have used to enhance my intimate life throught greater connection and intimacy with my partners.  So, I proceeded through my Tantra practice.  I even invented some new techniques and after two different orgasms I was in bliss.  Too bad that just minutes later when I went to film my Flip cam FLIPPED and I had filmus interuptus!  Had to run to the store to get a new camera (the Kodak Zi8).  I felt like all the relaxation of the morning flew out with my flip cam.