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All videos on 101 Days of Pleasure!

Day 3- Tired and a Headache

It’s almost 11:00PM, I’m exhausted and my head is pounding, and I have more work ahead of me after a 12 hour workday.  Will I still find time for self-pleasure?  YES!  Not only that, but there are a few suprises in my Love Loft.  I’m amazed at my body’s ability to get aroused, no matter the circumstances.  Taking time for self-pleasure is so important.  After my session my headache was gone, my mood was better, and I had renewed energy to get all this work done, depite it being after midnight right now…

Day 2- Music Driven Solo Sex

Today I received a full body massage, after which I locked the door to my office, put on one a song I find particularly sexy (Massive Attack’s Angel) and the proceed to touch myself to the beats of the music.  This provided me with slow and deep touch to my g-spot and faster more indirect touch to my clitoris.  It produced a fast and powerful orgasm before the song even finished!  Music Driven Solo Sex worked for me today!

Day 1- Languishing

So, Day One started with making myself a fabulous breakfast, then looking at my entire body in the mirror, then a steam sauna, then a gander at my own genitals, from there I went into building arousal, taking another look, orgasm through self touch, and finally noticing how I looked post orgasm.  I did a little after care time too, by putting lotion on my skin and brushing my hair.  Afterwards, I felt fabulous.  Can’t wait for Day 2.

Introduction to 101 Days of Self Pleasure

As a new Mom, giving birth had really thrown my sex life off. So part of this personal challenge is about getting in touch with myself. I want to do 101 days of self-exploration around my sexuality…How can I get back in touch with my body, or “Get My Sexy Back?”

Since the birth of my baby, I have really let myself go. So something I really want to get back is caring for myself again. For self-love and discovery. With this new body, things have really changed “down there”, so-to-say, and I particularly want to get in touch with HOW my pleasure has changed, how my body has changed, and to get in touch with “sexy” and sexuality again! In exploring my body and my pleasure I will discover what it is that find that I really love and enjoy, and that I can savor and relish as I go throughout this experience.

Another reason is self-discovery. So I have this new body now, and things have really changed “down there” so to say, and I really want to get in touch with HOW my pleasure has changed, how my body has changed, and to start loving myself that way.

My biggest reason is about education. I really want to educate people around…”How do we really pleasure ourselves?” I will also be experimenting with many various sex toys so you can get ideas about what is available out there! I hope to really inspire other women to celebrate in their pleasure and touch…and hope to decrease the taboo and shame around masturbation and self-pleasuring!

I wish to help women to increase their libidos, to get in touch with their bodies again and to FEELING SEXY AGAIN!