It’s been a very long week, loads of work, but I even though I still had work to do today, I made sure it was still filled with pleasure. First off the day started with some very special fruit pancakes. And throughout the day I enjoyed some really great ripe fruit, plums, apricots, peaches and a carrot mango smoothie. There was some hiking too and some singing and dancing. As the day wound down I slipped away to a steam shower where I played with triggering orgasm through scent with my essential oils. And of course I did a little U-spot stimulation (urethral opening/g-spot head) which triggered some ejaculatory waterworks. I then proceeded to brushing my hair and my teeth, while craving connection with my partner. He’s agreed to help me film tonight, that way we’ll have some time for some intimacy together. YAY!!!!
Category Archives: video
Day 34- Traffic on the PCH
I was on my way home from working out of the office. I got stuck in major beach traffic on the Pacific Coast Highway, so I decided to make the best of my time. Luckily I was driving in my partners work truck so I was higher than most other cars on the highway. I didn’t want to be “indecent” so I discreetly pleasured myself through my own clothing in the 45 minutes that I sat on the PCH stuck with the surfers, tourists and such. So many people heading to the beach. The ocean was lovely. And instead of feeling of bed that I wasn’t going anywhere, I sat with a smile a my face turning something not so pleasurable into something great!
Day 33- A Relaxed Late Night
It’s ten till midnight and I’ve just had a fantastically deep orgasm. I’ve noticed that my arousal is definitly up, and D. Love and I missed our intimacy time today due to not being able to get a sitter, so I’ve been in need of my self love sessions for sure! Tonight was another late one. It started about 30 minutes ago and I was determined not to make it a quickie and got into my pattern. I set the intention to stay very relaxed and to notice when any tension came into my body at all. If tension crept in a backed off, relaxed and dove back into the pleasure. For some reason tonight I really noticed sound: the crickets outside, the hum of the refridgerator, the pops and creaks in the house. I was incredibly tired. I’ve been working extra because I’m working on my postpartum sexuality project with Ellen Heed, and we’ve been writing and writing. At any rate, the exhaustion was a benefit because it helped to keep me relaxed. I mostly focused on clitoral stimulation with gential massage techniques from my book and DVDs. I like practicing what I preach, so using my own techniques is important to me. I played with Jilling Off a lot, that’s one of my favorites. I kept getting close to orgasm, but backing off, in order to stay relaxed. When the orgasm did come it was deep, long lasting and very satisfying. I haven’t had one like that in a long time!
Day 32- I Rub My Penguin
So it was 11:30 PM and my son finally went to sleep. I snuck out in to the living room where I found my I Rub My Penguin waiting for me. Over the weekend I had used the penguin for my sexuality alter. I discovered that it was a symbol of agility and flow. I also read that Penguin medicine is all about finding sanity in the chaos. I thrive in chaos, so I related to the penguin. I also chose this cute penguin friend to represent my sexuality because it is a toy that looks like a toy and not a sexual object. In other words it’s friendly for people who have kids. A great way to hide your sex toys is to make sex toys that don’t look like them at all! So my late night session in the middle of exhaustion was all about me and my vibrating penguin! I did some clitoral stimulation and realized that what I liked best what indirect stimulation and using the penguin as more of a massager on my pelvic floor. While I was doing this I started reviewing all the places in my day where I had done self-care. I took a hike with a friend and business acquaintance, I made myself some great smoothies, I went on a date with one of my lovers to see the new twighlight movie. If I look back on it all, I did a lot of self pleasure today, just not all at once.
Day 31- A Quickie
Working, Working, and Working. I’m feeling like my self-pleasure is getting tossed to the wayside. So today was real quickie (under 30 seconds), it’s been awhile since I’ve had a clitoral orgasm, so I went for it. Now is the time to re-commit to really taking the time for self-care, self-nurturing and self-pleasure. When we are busiest is when we need it the most!
Day 30- Chiggers
Okay, so I never planned for this when I set out on my 101 Day journey. I was out late, in the yard with my son last night, and I must have gotten into some chiggers. First the bites errupted on my legs, then my inner thighs, I woke up in the middle of the night itching like crazy all around my genitals. I’ll spare you the details of the many bites I got in my nether regions! At any rate today I spent my pleasure time showering and treating all of my bites with Lavender oil. Sometimes Self-Pleasure means doing a little healing work on yourself!
Day 29- Self Pleasure Interuptus
After all that sexual energy exploration over the weekend, I woke up this morning feeling like I needed a physical orgasm. I needed a release of all the built up sexual sensation! Of course I could continue to move it through my body, but I decided that it was time for a little physical stimulation to my clitoris. But alas, time got away from me and I had to run off to the Dentist! Imagine me so aroused going into the Dentist for a follow-up appointment! At any rate, I was able to get some self nurturing in by going to the gym and stopping off to feel my body with a carrot mango smoothie and some kale! YUMM! But I just might have to self-pleasure again, since my clitoris has been throbbing all day!
Days 27 & 28- Sacred Sexuality/Energy Sex
This weekend was awesome! I was teaching my women’s Sacred Sexuality course, which included practices from Tantra, Shamanism, and Taoist Sexuality. I was very inspired to take more time out for self-nurturing and daily practice. Over the weekend I moved a TON of sexual energy/sensation through my whole body. Some of the practices that I did include- Vajra Yogini, FireBreath Orgasm, Sexual Shamanism, Erotic Trance,and Taoist Sexual Restoration. Needless to say my pelvic floor feels great and I had a lot of energy orgasms. YAY! I love this stuff. I have such a “real” felt experience of it all and feel very comfortable in this world. Maybe it’s time to start incorporating aspects of sacred sex into my everyday practice!
Day 26- Peaceful Arousal through Vajra Yogini
AHHHH! Gearing up for my Women’s Sacred Sexuality course, so I thought I’d get back in touch with a practice that I used to love to do on a regular almost daily basis. I would love to schedule more time for myself to this more often, it left me in a very peaceful arousal state, perfect for going into lovemaking with my partner. I’ve included more information about the practice below…
It was a very magical day when I first learned the Vajra Yogini practice. I was attending a workshop entitled Sexual Wholeness with instructors Kip Moore and Lexi Fischer. It was the 3rd or 4th day of the workshop and I was feeling very low. I went to the workshop without my partner and I was having a hard time with the level of intimacy of the work and not feeling supported by the men that I had to choose from. It was very challenging to honor my boundaries and feel into what I really needed. I was elated when the men and women were separated and we were given a day just to celebrate being women. At this particular time in my life I was also really having trouble cultivating my own feminine energy. I honestly was hating being a woman, I felt powerless and unattractive in my female body. But this day changed everything and it began with the Vajra Yogini Practice.
Lexi so gracefully led us through the practice and I was hooked instantly. I was very drawn to the fact that the Vajra Yogini was practiced by Tibetan nuns in order to master their female energies for rejuvenation. Sunyata Saraswati, one of the founders of Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga learned this practice from the Tibetan nuns and passed the teachings down to Lexi Fischer who taught me. The practice is said to have originated in India between the 10th and 12th centuries
Vajra Yogini is not just a practice but is also said to have been a Dakini in real life. In Miranda Shaw’s book Passionate Enlightenment she says that Vajra Yogini is “inarguably the supreme deity of the Tantric pantheon. No male Buddha, including her divine consort, Heruka Chakrasaṃvara, approaches her in metaphysical or practical import.”. Vajra means “diamond like” or “thunder bolt” in Sanskrit. The Vajra is meant to be a symbol of firmness of spirit that like a diamond cannot be cut through, yet it can penetrate like a bolt of lightning. Vajra is also a term used for the male phallus, which I think is interesting given that Vajra Yogini is a feminine practice. Vajra Yogini’s practice consisted of methods that prevented ordinary death and rebirth, by transforming them into paths of enlightenment. She also used the practice to take the mundane daily experience and transform them into higher spiritual paths, which is at the heart of many Tantric Practices.
There are rumored to be eleven different Vajrayogini practices or yogas. The practice that I did today is passed down from Tibetan Buddhism and does have some elements of Ipsalu Tantra woven into make the practice more effective.
Day 25- A Little Honey Dipping
Started off my session with some Hot Rawks– a libido enhancer made with cacao, cayenne pepper and maca powder. That helped boost my energy for a great solo sex session. Went up to the love loft and choose a new ceramic toy called the Honey Wand. I’ve never used ceramic and this was my first experience. On my way there I notice that I had started my mentrual cycle, perfect timing (ha!) since I’ve dedicated this week to vaginal exploration. Since I stick to my commitments I went for it anyway, and I’m so glad I did. I started by using the wand externally in my clitoris, then added some lube and went for internal stimulation. It was great at stimulating my G-spot even though it doesn’t have a curve. I worked my way up to a vaginal orgasm that rolled into a clitoral orgasm into a combination g-spot and vaginal orgasm. A great time int he middle of my work day. Have I told you recently that I love my JOB!