Category Archives: video

All videos on 101 Days of Pleasure!

Day 24- Castor Oil Massage

Since returning from Scotland my son has been extremely attached to me, which makes it hard to find self-pleasure time.  I started my session by brushing all the knots out of my hair and getting ready for a steam shower.  Once I got into the shower, my son had an “I want my mommy!” meltdown, so I got out and comforted him for a while before he was able to be distracted and I could resume “me time”.  Back in the shower I took time to bathe, wash my hair and use a little aromatherapy.  Once I got out of the steam I massaged bath oils into my skin.  I decided early on to do some Castor Oil Massage on my vulva and internal vagina.  So I spent time exploring to see if I could feel any scar tissue from the birth that may have returned.  I use lots of oil and massaged any rough areas that I found.  It might not have been an orgasmic session, but it was a sexual wellness session and that’s important too!

Day 23- Using my Feet and a Wand!

A yummy day #23!  I got really creative in the Love Loft with the Crystal Chic Wand by California Exotics.  I didn’t have any batteries but the Wand was perfect without any vibration.  I loved being able to bend it and I found that using it to tap on my G-spot was lovely!  Then I got my feet involved, afterall you can always use more appendages!  This way my hands were free and I could massage my breasts and do some clitoral stimulation.  I spent a long time building up to orgasm.  It was fun having my feet up in the air moving the wand in just the right way.  I will surely try this again, next time with the vibration.

Days 20-22- Patterns of Self Love

As things got crazier in Scotland with my teaching schedule it got harder to find time to languish in the pleasure, but hey, sometimes quickies can be great!  So on Day 20 I went into my pattern, to try to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, but it did the opposite and energized me.  Since it was my pattern I thought I’d try to get another session in before midnight, but the day was packed and I was at a high class dinner so I snuck off to the bathroom just a few minutes before that golden hour to do a little U-spot stimulation.  Day 21- I was on an airplane headed back to the states, but I gained 8 hours!  So that evening before sleep, I warmed my self up with some self stimulation before my partner came in and we had an awesome, and I mean awesome time making love.  Today is Day 22, and I am catching up on my video blog since I was having technical difficulties in Scotland.  Today I went into my pattern again, but didn’t have an orgasm, before I drifted off into an afternoon nap.  This week I am committing to vaginal exploration since I have been in my pattern a lot lately.  We’ll see what I discover!

Day 19- Part Two- Bathtime with a Triple Treat

Warning!  This is probably my most explicit post to date, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.  I just had to take advantage of the huge tub in my hotel room.  I poured myself a hot bath and threw in some bath and massage oil with Ylang Ylang in it.  AHHH!  The bath was so great that I couldn’t resist self-pleasuring.  I noticed when I looked up that I could see my reflection in the large shower head.  I positioned myself so that I could witness my self pleasure.  Just like my pole dancing early today, it was hot!  I brought some additional toys that weren’t being used as teaching aids.  After a long time in the bath, I got out to do an intense self pleasure session starting by using the Ophoria Rapture with Clitoral Stimulation.  After some time I added the Nobessence Kegel Sexerciser for Vaginal Stimulation.  So I had all three going at once- clit, anus and vagina.  After a few orgasms I decided to get back in the bath.  When I went in to the bathroom to take out the Sexerciser I gushed all over the floor, that the second time thats happened.  The bath was still warm, and a glorious place for after glow.  I quickly shot this video, before reading some erotic fairy tales and heading to sleep.

Day 19- Part One- Pole Dancing and Striptease

First thing this morning I went to a pole dancing class.  It was wonderful to be in a group of women and enjoying this energy.  It was taught by the creator of S Factor, who is amazing by the way.  I learned to slow down with my movments, and the power of slowness was reinforce for me.  I went back to my room and dedided to continue this energy by doing an erotic strip tease for myself.  I watch how my body moved in the mirror.  It was such a huge turn on.  I danced for myself for a long time before moving to any kind of genital stimulation.  I really wanted to stay in this erotically charged place so I decided just to move it all through my body as opposed to having a physical orgasm. I can’t wait to go again tomorrow morning!

Day 18- Pleasure Waves

Decided to self-pleasure in my delux hotel room in Scotland.  Started by massaging my breast with Breast Balm, they’re really sore from all the milk pumping since I am away from my baby, so I treated them nice.  I set the intention to really get in touch with my feminine side, so often I live in the masculine (making business decisions, running the household, managing finances).  I wanted to just let go and surrender.  I thought that perhaps my own masculine could take me through the Pleasure Wave Formula I have been working on.  I started with safety, just making myself feel safe as I lay in the bed.  I took some deep breaths.  From there I played with my body with light arousing touch.  Back into stillness I drifted between sleep and awake.  Then into medium arousal, back into stillness, to higer arousal with combined g-spot and clitoral stimulation, until I had a wonderful orgasm, which I spread all over my body.  I sat in stillness again to notice how I felt different from when I began.  When I showed up at the conference I felt like I was glowing!  What a way to start!

Day 17- Airplane Adventures

I’m at 32,000 feet, thinking about what I can do for my self pleasure session since I’ll be on an airplane to Scotland for the next 13 hours.  So I started with a little Sexual Shamanism, Radiating Sexual Energy, Expanding, Extending, Resonating.  I play with radiating in, loving myself.  I meditate to raise my sexual energy.  Okay, so some of you may think this way out there and cheating…I decided that a rule for my self pleasure is that I have to do some kind of genital stimulation…so, I went to the airplane bathroom and inserted a little pleasure bead  by Lelo.  While I was there I tending to my clitoris a little, but didn’t want to hold up the bathroom, so I returned to my seat with the little ball jiggling inside of me.  It brought a whole new sensation to turbulence!  I decided to play with thinking myself off, which I was able to do.  I just imagined clitoral stimulation and I could feel the orgasmic pulses going through my pelvic floor.  I went to the bathroom near the end of my flight and had the strangest thing happen.  I urinated, but then had this intense orgasmic feeling in my urethra (pee tube) and I knew I had to take out the pleasure bead.  When I did I had this amazing gush of fluid, not sure if it was pee-gasm, or if it was ejaculate built up from hours of having the bead inside and jiggling about!

Day 16- Aromatherapy and Orgasm

I’ve heard that smell can trigger orgasms because of the link between the olfactory nerve and memory centers of the brain.  So I decided to go ahead and experiment with this by using some Frankincense oil.  I love Frankincense because it reminds me of annointing.  I love thinking of Goddesses annointing their lovers with fresh Frankincense oil.  So I will experiment with Frankincense as a trigger to orgasm.  I took some deep inhales of the scent and then rubbed the oil into my feet.  I payed special attention to the place at the bottom of my foot that the Taoist refer to as the bubbling spring.  From there I hopped onto my massage table where I massaged my nether regions with the Inspire Massage Wand.  I played with a variety of techniques including putting the Inspire on my finger which I placed on my clitoris.  I notice that my orgasms with a vibrator are short and light as opposed to the deeper more intense orgasms that I get from using my hands.

Day 15- Shocking

I was feeling lazy today, kinda just wanted something to do it all for me.  So I got out the Electic Stimulation unit I was sent by She-Stim.  This wasn’t the first time that I played with this.  The first time I shocked myself, not necessarily pleasant and I learned quickly.  So this time I got out the clitoral stimulator called the Halo and kept it put as I increased the stimulation and changed the pulsations.  I learned that I really liked the pulsations that increased in speed and tapped on me.  It was exactly what I wanted, I pushed a button and it did the work!  Once I felt good and aroused I shifted gears (on my way down I noticed that less pulsation on the clitoris felt exqusite so I visted that place for a moment) and used the  Wave attachment for internal stimulation.  I didn’t feel much at first, it was really subtle.  I played with this until I got a good pulsation near the opening of my vagina, at which point I added clitoral stimulation with my hands.  After my clitoral orgasm I left the “Wave” inside to see what might be different post-orgasm.  I could feel my vagina getting stronger with each pulse.  It felt really good, like going to the chiropractor and recieving a treatment with a TENS unit.  And I’m glad to say that this time I didn’t shock myself!

Day 14- Post Intercourse Bliss

Since our regularly scheduled intimacy was cancelled due to our relatives being in town, my partner and I had to reschedule for today.  We’ve been a bit agitated with each other, so our lovemaking was intense and actually quite amazing as we re-connected.  I held off on my orgasm knowing full well that I would still have my self-pleasure session to do afterwards.  Sometimes I really like not having an orgasm, but instead just riding on the pleasure.  After an hour or so of intercourse I was really in bliss.  I floated down out of the Love Loft and into the shower where I explored my highly engorged and highly aroused gentials.  I gave myself a genital massage and touched my tingling body.  But my favorite part was the sensation of the hot water showering onto my skin.  What a DELIGHT!