Took my new favorite lube (Aloe Cadabra) and the Ella and laid down on the floor. The dim lights and the scent of lavender from the lube helped me to feel more relaxed. I started by pressing the Ella into my U-spot and Vaginal Opening, while doing clitoral stimulation. I was able to quickly go into penetration. It has amazed me how good vaginal stimulation is feeling these days. My G-spot seems to be in a perpetual state of arousal and feels better than ever! I don’t know if it’s all the self pleasure culminating or some kind of shift in my hormones. I’ve been having more intercourse lately too. Perhaps it’s a combination of everything. As the pleasure mounted it became all about the moment and the sensation. I was able to really feel the exquisite pleasure from the inside as I used the Ella to stimulate my g-spot and u-spot. With my other hand I was doing clitoral stimulation by rubbing rapidly. Had a great combination orgasm! Oh, and I went to the gym today, while there I read more of Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel. I have to say that the book is one of my favorites right now.
Tag Archives: blended orgasm
Day 86-Does a Real Penis Count as a Sex Toy?
Today was another great day. Things have felt really good since I decided to make this more about self-care and self-love. I feel like I have felt better and better with each day. My partner has been more active in his initiation of sex with me, which I am loving. This evening I went for another run. I have never in my life, liked to run, but I am really enjoying it right now. It just feels good to have air in my lungs and my blood pumping as I run up the steep hills in my neighborhood. I fed my body with a variety of smoothies today, one being my addiction to kale smoothies. And to top the day off my partner asked me to the love loft. I knew I had to get some sexual self pleasure into the day, so I asked him if it would be okay for me to use his penis as a sex toy. He was very okay with it! I spent a lot of time just using his penis to rub on my vulva. I then acted like it was a dildo as I penetrated myself, while at the same time using my other hand to stimulate my clitoris. It wasn’t quite as easy as using a dildo, but he got really into it. He wasn’t moving at all, he just let me do whatever I wanted to do. Eventually I let go of using his as a “sex toy” and we just went into a great lovemaking session. We closed the session with some awesome mutual masturbation where we both had an orgasm at the same time. I had a number of little orgasms all along the way, but this last one was a blended orgasm from g-spot and clitoral stimulation. YUMM!