It’s ten till midnight and I’ve just had a fantastically deep orgasm. I’ve noticed that my arousal is definitly up, and D. Love and I missed our intimacy time today due to not being able to get a sitter, so I’ve been in need of my self love sessions for sure! Tonight was another late one. It started about 30 minutes ago and I was determined not to make it a quickie and got into my pattern. I set the intention to stay very relaxed and to notice when any tension came into my body at all. If tension crept in a backed off, relaxed and dove back into the pleasure. For some reason tonight I really noticed sound: the crickets outside, the hum of the refridgerator, the pops and creaks in the house. I was incredibly tired. I’ve been working extra because I’m working on my postpartum sexuality project with Ellen Heed, and we’ve been writing and writing. At any rate, the exhaustion was a benefit because it helped to keep me relaxed. I mostly focused on clitoral stimulation with gential massage techniques from my book and DVDs. I like practicing what I preach, so using my own techniques is important to me. I played with Jilling Off a lot, that’s one of my favorites. I kept getting close to orgasm, but backing off, in order to stay relaxed. When the orgasm did come it was deep, long lasting and very satisfying. I haven’t had one like that in a long time!
Tag Archives: Clitoral Stimulation
Day 32- I Rub My Penguin
So it was 11:30 PM and my son finally went to sleep. I snuck out in to the living room where I found my I Rub My Penguin waiting for me. Over the weekend I had used the penguin for my sexuality alter. I discovered that it was a symbol of agility and flow. I also read that Penguin medicine is all about finding sanity in the chaos. I thrive in chaos, so I related to the penguin. I also chose this cute penguin friend to represent my sexuality because it is a toy that looks like a toy and not a sexual object. In other words it’s friendly for people who have kids. A great way to hide your sex toys is to make sex toys that don’t look like them at all! So my late night session in the middle of exhaustion was all about me and my vibrating penguin! I did some clitoral stimulation and realized that what I liked best what indirect stimulation and using the penguin as more of a massager on my pelvic floor. While I was doing this I started reviewing all the places in my day where I had done self-care. I took a hike with a friend and business acquaintance, I made myself some great smoothies, I went on a date with one of my lovers to see the new twighlight movie. If I look back on it all, I did a lot of self pleasure today, just not all at once.
Day 31- A Quickie
Working, Working, and Working. I’m feeling like my self-pleasure is getting tossed to the wayside. So today was real quickie (under 30 seconds), it’s been awhile since I’ve had a clitoral orgasm, so I went for it. Now is the time to re-commit to really taking the time for self-care, self-nurturing and self-pleasure. When we are busiest is when we need it the most!
Day 29- Self Pleasure Interuptus
After all that sexual energy exploration over the weekend, I woke up this morning feeling like I needed a physical orgasm. I needed a release of all the built up sexual sensation! Of course I could continue to move it through my body, but I decided that it was time for a little physical stimulation to my clitoris. But alas, time got away from me and I had to run off to the Dentist! Imagine me so aroused going into the Dentist for a follow-up appointment! At any rate, I was able to get some self nurturing in by going to the gym and stopping off to feel my body with a carrot mango smoothie and some kale! YUMM! But I just might have to self-pleasure again, since my clitoris has been throbbing all day!
Day 25- A Little Honey Dipping
Started off my session with some Hot Rawks– a libido enhancer made with cacao, cayenne pepper and maca powder. That helped boost my energy for a great solo sex session. Went up to the love loft and choose a new ceramic toy called the Honey Wand. I’ve never used ceramic and this was my first experience. On my way there I notice that I had started my mentrual cycle, perfect timing (ha!) since I’ve dedicated this week to vaginal exploration. Since I stick to my commitments I went for it anyway, and I’m so glad I did. I started by using the wand externally in my clitoris, then added some lube and went for internal stimulation. It was great at stimulating my G-spot even though it doesn’t have a curve. I worked my way up to a vaginal orgasm that rolled into a clitoral orgasm into a combination g-spot and vaginal orgasm. A great time int he middle of my work day. Have I told you recently that I love my JOB!
Days 20-22- Patterns of Self Love
As things got crazier in Scotland with my teaching schedule it got harder to find time to languish in the pleasure, but hey, sometimes quickies can be great! So on Day 20 I went into my pattern, to try to sleep in the wee hours of the morning, but it did the opposite and energized me. Since it was my pattern I thought I’d try to get another session in before midnight, but the day was packed and I was at a high class dinner so I snuck off to the bathroom just a few minutes before that golden hour to do a little U-spot stimulation. Day 21- I was on an airplane headed back to the states, but I gained 8 hours! So that evening before sleep, I warmed my self up with some self stimulation before my partner came in and we had an awesome, and I mean awesome time making love. Today is Day 22, and I am catching up on my video blog since I was having technical difficulties in Scotland. Today I went into my pattern again, but didn’t have an orgasm, before I drifted off into an afternoon nap. This week I am committing to vaginal exploration since I have been in my pattern a lot lately. We’ll see what I discover!
Day 17- Airplane Adventures
I’m at 32,000 feet, thinking about what I can do for my self pleasure session since I’ll be on an airplane to Scotland for the next 13 hours. So I started with a little Sexual Shamanism, Radiating Sexual Energy, Expanding, Extending, Resonating. I play with radiating in, loving myself. I meditate to raise my sexual energy. Okay, so some of you may think this way out there and cheating…I decided that a rule for my self pleasure is that I have to do some kind of genital stimulation…so, I went to the airplane bathroom and inserted a little pleasure bead by Lelo. While I was there I tending to my clitoris a little, but didn’t want to hold up the bathroom, so I returned to my seat with the little ball jiggling inside of me. It brought a whole new sensation to turbulence! I decided to play with thinking myself off, which I was able to do. I just imagined clitoral stimulation and I could feel the orgasmic pulses going through my pelvic floor. I went to the bathroom near the end of my flight and had the strangest thing happen. I urinated, but then had this intense orgasmic feeling in my urethra (pee tube) and I knew I had to take out the pleasure bead. When I did I had this amazing gush of fluid, not sure if it was pee-gasm, or if it was ejaculate built up from hours of having the bead inside and jiggling about!
Day 15- Shocking
I was feeling lazy today, kinda just wanted something to do it all for me. So I got out the Electic Stimulation unit I was sent by She-Stim. This wasn’t the first time that I played with this. The first time I shocked myself, not necessarily pleasant and I learned quickly. So this time I got out the clitoral stimulator called the Halo and kept it put as I increased the stimulation and changed the pulsations. I learned that I really liked the pulsations that increased in speed and tapped on me. It was exactly what I wanted, I pushed a button and it did the work! Once I felt good and aroused I shifted gears (on my way down I noticed that less pulsation on the clitoris felt exqusite so I visted that place for a moment) and used the Wave attachment for internal stimulation. I didn’t feel much at first, it was really subtle. I played with this until I got a good pulsation near the opening of my vagina, at which point I added clitoral stimulation with my hands. After my clitoral orgasm I left the “Wave” inside to see what might be different post-orgasm. I could feel my vagina getting stronger with each pulse. It felt really good, like going to the chiropractor and recieving a treatment with a TENS unit. And I’m glad to say that this time I didn’t shock myself!
Day 10- What I’ve Noticed/Tension and Relaxation
It’s a big work day today, feeling tired, but nonethless, I am noticing some benefits to this project. On is that my perception that I don’t have time for myself is going away completely. Another benefit is that my mood is better. When I take care of myself, I feel better and I treat the people around me better. Orgasms are a great thing! Today I did my session in my office, which might not have been the best choice being that my mind was wandering and racing. I played with my clit while exploring tension and relaxation. I love noticing the pleasure that I built and that causes me to have energetic orgasms…splendid!
Day 3- Tired and a Headache
It’s almost 11:00PM, I’m exhausted and my head is pounding, and I have more work ahead of me after a 12 hour workday. Will I still find time for self-pleasure? YES! Not only that, but there are a few suprises in my Love Loft. I’m amazed at my body’s ability to get aroused, no matter the circumstances. Taking time for self-pleasure is so important. After my session my headache was gone, my mood was better, and I had renewed energy to get all this work done, depite it being after midnight right now…